Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Larkin loves to sing. Sometimes I hear her combining several songs together or adapting the words, and it always makes me smile. One of her latest adaptations is to the ABC song. I heard her singing the other day, "A B C D F and G" :)

Larkin loves her class at church. I always ask her what she learned in her class and she tells me she played with balls, or sang songs, or ate snack ... sometimes I wonder what her little mind is learning, if anything at all. Then the other day she sat me down and said, "It's time to listen momma." Then she opened up her book (I believe it was about dinosaurs) and showed me the picture and said, "This Jesus Price." She turned the page and said, "This Jesus Price. He love sharing."
Jesus Price??? And He loves sharing huh!?! Good to know.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Snapshots of Larkin

We sat at our favorite burger place eating french fries dipped in ketchup and Larkin spied some peanut shells on the ground under our table. Pointing at the mess, she exclaimed in disgust, "Oh man! Mom look .... I HATE that!"

We were packing to go camping. It was going to be a busy weekend with lots of family, and we had talked with Larkin about what she could expect ... in the bathtub she played with some toys and talked happily to herself, "You my cousins. Hi cousins. These my cousin friends. Hi cousin friends."

I put on a skirt to go to the store and Larkin insisted in wearing a "big skirt" too. I went to her closet and pulled out a pink ballerina skirt. When she checked herself out in the mirror she squealed with delight, "I look like princess! I a princess momma! I so cute!" {Don't you worry she insisted on wearing her pajama shirt to the store with her "princess" skirt}