Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Larkin has a little stuffed lamb that she named (and I quote)
"Baa baa black sheep have you any wool yes sir yes sir three bags full."

If you ask her what her sheep's name is she will recite the whole thing every time. And don't you worry, the sheep is white, not black.
So goofy!

Always Changing

Larkin's new favorite word is elegant. As in, "Mom, I like your elegant chair." or "Mom, I love your elegant ring."

Larkin is the queen of run-on sentences lately. After family prayers a few nights ago Larkin says, "Sometimes the songs just sneak out of my mouth while you are praying and you say 'shhh' and I have to try and tell my songs to stay inside until after you say amen, but they are too sneaky sometimes."

Larkin is going through a scaredy-cat phase. She calls everything and everyone she is afraid of a "Danger-Danger" and is convinced that the only ones who can get rid of Danger-Dangers are firefighters ... too bad no firefighters live at our house. It would be nice ... for so many reasons! :)